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The Student Study Team (SST) is often the first step a parent can take when they have a concern about their child's progress in school.  The purpose of the SST is to design a support system for students having difficulty in the regular classroom.  

The SST is a group formed within the school to further examine a student's academic, behavioral and social-emotional progress.  The SST team can propose interventions for the student.  The team usually consists of a teacher(s), administrator, and support personnel from the school.  The parent and sometimes the student (depending on age of the student) are also part of the team.

The SST meeting is different than a parent-teacher conference which focuses on improving communication and addressing specific class problems.

The SST meeting provides everyone with an opportunity to share concerns and develop a plan. Either a staff member of a parent can make a referral.  The interventions agreed upon will vary depending on the child's needs.